My name is Sherri. I am a Board certified haircolorist/stylist. I have worked with Michelle for a few years. It started with the sudden death of my best friend who died of cancer almost 3 years ago. She has helped me to communicate with Amy and she knew things that only Amy and I would know.

Recently I have been even more amazed by Michelle’s gift. I lost my brother suddenly 3 months ago. When she channeled him she talked just like him and knew things only he and I shared. She knew the closeness he and I shared in the abandonment and abuse of our biological father. And how we had been each other’s trusted friend beyond being siblings. She has helped me clear my energy of the fear and anxiety that I’ve experienced with my brother’s death.

My mom who was a bit of a skeptic had a session with Michelle. She said when Michelle channeled Michael she talked just like him. She was amazed and Michelle’s reading with my mom was so comforting to her. My mom really needed that connection to my brother. Michelle told me Michael is messing with my mom’s watch, out of the blue. Just 2 days before that I was in Texas visiting my mom. I heard her mention to my Mema that she had just gotten her watch fixed and it keeps stopping. I called my mom that night and she said she reset her watch and it started again. Then 2 days later it stopped again. AMAZING!!

Michelle is the real deal. Truly gifted and loving, caring healer. I am blessed to have her in my life.

Thank you,

Sherri S.

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